climb the ranks to get more leads

Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is the process of making your website more search engine friendly with the end goal of not only increasing the amount of traffic your site sees but the overall quality of traffic. Proper SEO will help you be visible to the consumer, show your name FIRST (above your competitors!), and will allow your site to perform at the speed your customers want to see.

SEO can be a difficult concept to grasp. It’s also everchanging - How you strategize your SEO now may be completely different than how you should a month from now. We can take all of this off your plate by providing complete SEO management through the use of our SEO packages. We offer several options that custom fit your needs and budget, but we can guarantee that you will see results no matter which package you choose.

There are several components involved in creating successful SEO–a landscape in which things are constantly evolving.

The content you produce, for example, needs to not only be consistently updated, but also relevant to your product and what the consumer is looking for. Simply posting the content is no longer enough.

It needs to be well thought out and expanded on, giving the consumer information they can utilize. Having specific keywords within this content will also help improve your home service company’s SEO because those will allow your content to be easily searchable for consumers looking for that information. Backlinking is also extremely important. If your content is a “how-to” video, for example, you can backlink the video from YouTube onto your site for a significant improvement of SEO.

Local SEO has become significantly more important as mobile devices become better utilized for search.

By taking part in local SEO, you can ensure that your home service business is one of the first to show up when people in your area search for your services. You can do this by claiming your directory listings, creating location-specific pages for your website, setting up your Google Business Profile, and getting listed on Google Maps. We recommend ensuring that all of these things are done, and done well, if you want to see the best improvement in your local service areas.

Another great thing about fantastic SEO is that once it is all implemented, the user-experience for your customers will significantly improve. Good quality SEO will help to increase page speed while also creating easy usability on mobile, desktop, and tablets. Studies show that a typical user will leave a site if it takes longer than three seconds to load, so it is of vital importance to make sure your site is adaptable and quick to load.

The easier it is for consumers to navigate your page, the more chances of converting that user into a long-lasting client!

SEO takes time to work. It is not something that will increase your ranking overnight, or even over a month’s time. SEO typically takes around six months to take full effect, though you may see small improvements within the first few months. Although this process involves placing a lot of trust in us, your home service company will see significant results in the end.

Aletheia Digital Offers a Full Range of Services!

Consider these additional services to ensure your website stays ahead of the competition for years to come. Our website design and maintenance services include website edits and integration to keep your website up-to-date with ADA Compliance, while our branding services are tailored to boost your company’s professional image and position you above your competitors. By implementing both of these services, your SEO will be boosted and your business will be shown more frequently.

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