Video Marketing can be a great way to take a more humanized approach in marketing your home service business. Putting a face to your brand will allow customers to form a relationship with you before ever picking up the phone to call. With this in mind, it’s important to think through how you want to tell your story and leave a lasting impression on viewers.
We make it easy for you by producing testimonial videos, 30-second commercial spots, YouTube videos, and more. Short videos that grab attention quickly are the best, as they create higher engagement and a better chance of a customer watching the entirety of the video.
There are a variety of ways to target customers using home service video marketing. The first is by creating a video with viewability and viewer player size. This means that the video will adjust to the size of whatever technology the viewer is utilizing (desktop, tablet, phone, etc.) Optimizing this video size will create a much higher ROI, as more people are willing to watch the video if it adjusts correctly to their device. We can also create skippable and non-skippable ads, meaning that we can give the option for viewer’s to skip the ad after 5 seconds, or we can make it play through its entirety before the viewer can move on. Lastly, we can plan for muted and unmuted viewing by creating a video that tells the brand’s story without having to utilize sound, while also having sound playing on top of the video to better enhance the story to those that are listening.
These videos can be shown in a variety of places - YouTube, social media, display ads, Vimeo, OTT ads, etc. It is important to include these videos in your website, as well. It has been proven that including video on your site will help improve your SEO and list your website higher than your competitors. It also incentivizes users to stay on your page a little bit longer, increasing your ability to convert with each second that passes by.
Other services we offer include website design and maintenance packages that include website edits and integration to ensure your website remains up-to-date with ADA Compliance. In addition, we also offer SEO packages that guarantee a higher ranking on web browsers, giving you an edge over your competitors. By implementing these additional services, you will maintain your website's top-of-the-line status for years to come.
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