Exploring Facebook Ads for Local Businesses

Bianca Rodriguez • Jun 18, 2024

With the rise of online marketing, traditional methods of advertising, such as flyers and newspaper ads, have taken a backseat. Instead, digital social media platforms like Facebook offer many advertising tools that can help local businesses reach a larger and more targeted audience. In this blog, we'll explore how Facebook Ads can be a game-changer for local businesses.

Why Facebook Ads?

  1. Wide Reach: With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook is a platform that can't be ignored. Even in smaller local markets, a significant portion of the population is likely active on Facebook.
  2. Targeted Advertising: Facebook's sophisticated algorithms allow businesses to target their ads to specific demographics, interests, and behaviors. This means your ads are seen by people who are most likely to be interested in your products or services.
  3. Cost-Effective: Unlike traditional advertising, Facebook Ads can be tailored to fit any budget. Whether you have $5 or $5000, you can create a campaign that works within your financial constraints.
  4. Detailed Analytics: Facebook provides in-depth analytics that show how your ads are performing. This data can help you fine-tune your campaigns to improve results over time.

Setting Up Your First Facebook Ad

  1. Create a Business Page: Before you can start advertising, you need a Facebook Business Page. This acts as the face of your business on Facebook, providing a place for customers to learn about your offerings and engage with your content.
  2. Identify Your Objectives: What do you want to achieve with your Facebook Ads? Common objectives include increasing brand awareness, driving traffic to your website, generating leads, or boosting sales.
  3. Know Your Audience: Define your target audience based on location, age, gender, interests, and behaviors. Facebook's Audience Insights tool can help you understand more about your potential customers.
  4. Design Your Ad: Use eye-catching visuals and compelling copy. Make sure your ad aligns with your brand's voice and clearly conveys the value of your product or service.
  5. Set Your Budget and Schedule: Decide how much you want to spend and how long you want your ad to run. Facebook offers various budget options, including daily budgets and lifetime budgets.
  6. Choose Your Ad Placement: Facebook allows you to choose where your ads will appear, including in the news feed, on Instagram, in stories, and on the right column of the desktop version.

Tips for Successful Facebook Ads

  • Test and Learn: Start with small campaigns and test different ad creatives, audiences, and placements to see what works best. Use A/B testing to compare different versions of your ads.
  • Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments and messages from your audience. Engagement not only builds relationships but also improves the performance of your ads.
  • Utilize Retargeting: Use Facebook's Pixel to track visitors to your website and retarget them with specific ads. This is particularly effective for converting interested prospects into customers.
  • Monitor Performance: Regularly check your ad performance and make adjustments as needed. Pay attention to metrics like click-through rates (CTR), cost per click (CPC), and conversion rates.
  • Stay Updated: Facebook frequently updates its advertising features and policies. Stay informed about these changes to make the most of your advertising efforts.

Why are Facebook Ads Beneficial for Your Local Business?

Local Targeting: You can target your ads to people in specific geographic areas, ensuring that your promotions reach potential customers in your local community based on locations such as country, region, zip code, or city. Facebook’s ad audience targeting feature allows you to reach potential customers based on their search history and interests, rather than just running a large-scale advertisement in a particular area without targeting rules.

Example 1: Cleaning Service

Say you own a cleaning service and you’ve never run ads on Facebook before, but you have a Business profile and regularly update your page. Your typical post is something simple like, “We have openings this week! Contact us for a house cleaning.” There are usually no photos or extra information, and these posts ultimately receive no engagement and fall by the wayside.

Your goal when running ads is to get the word out about your business. When utilizing Facebook Ads and local targeting, you can choose “Reach People Near Your Business” as the objective for your campaign, which allows you to target your ad according to location, age, and gender. Facebook users within your specified target area, age range, and gender will see your ad, based not on the location listed in their profile, but on their current physical location. This means people visiting your city will also be able to see your ad. Your advertisement contains before and after photos of a previous job with a thoughtful caption about the benefits of your cleaning services, and in return, you received multiple calls throughout the week from customers that saw your ad on Facebook looking to fill your week’s openings.

Example 2: Movie Theater

A local business owner runs two movie theaters: One in Columbus, Georgia and the other in Phenix City, Alabama. Over the past few months, business has slowed for the Phenix City location, although the Columbus location has not seen any drop in visitors. The owner’s goal is to promote the Phenix City movie theater location to boost traffic and make up for lost revenue from the previous months.

The business owner decides to run a Facebook campaign targeting only users in Phenix City, not in Columbus. They select that the objective of the campaign is to “Promote your Page”. Unlike the Reach People Near Your Business ad type, other ad types allow you to exclude locations. Utilizing this option, the owner is able to target only potential customers in Phenix City, while excluding Columbus residents. The owner now has the ability to create separate ads for each location, ensuring that only Columbus residents are seeing advertisements for the Columbus theater, and similarly with Phenix City. After the Phenix City location’s Facebook Ad went live, the theater saw a boost in traffic to their Facebook page and inside the business, making up for the previously slow months.

Example 3: Hardware Store

John owns a hardware store in Wisconsin. Hardware is not typically something that customers shop for online- it is a product category that people usually shop for in a local store. Previously, John was running radio advertisements and utilized flyers to promote certain events and sales. Those ads did not see great results and John learns that Facebook Ads can be a cheaper and easier way to drive sales.

John wants to promote his Memorial Day sale, which is 10% off of all grilling equipment all Memorial Day Weekend. He uses Facebook Ads to boost the weekend sale, featuring photos of their store’s inventory and even added the promotional video that he used previously. These ads targeted men and women over 30 years of age that live within a 50 mile radius of the hardware store. As a result, John saw a 14% increase in sales from the previous year’s Memorial Day sale and a simultaneous 20% decrease in advertising costs after switching to Facebook Ads from radio advertising.


Facebook Ads offer a powerful tool for local businesses looking to expand their reach and grow their customer base. By taking advantage of Facebook's targeting capabilities, cost-effective pricing, and detailed analytics, local businesses can create effective ad campaigns that deliver tangible results. Whether you're new to digital marketing or looking to enhance your current efforts, Facebook Ads provide a versatile and impactful solution.

About Aletheia Digital:

Revitalize your home service business through targeted lead nurturing with our expertise in email drip campaigns, SEO, and website design. Our specialized team crafts tailored strategies to optimize your online presence, from enhancing your website's design for seamless user experiences to implementing SEO tactics tailored to the home services industry. Experience the power of effective lead generation as we elevate your business to new heights. For a marketing journey designed for your company's success, connect with us at (706) 685-6611 or via email at info@aletheiadigital.com.

Writers Note:

This blog was written by Aletheia Digital staff with the assistance of AI.

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